Sky Watch Alliance is a genuine grass-roots organization formed by citizens of Morris County, New Jersey in December 2024, following recurring incidents of unusual and concerning aircraft activity over our homes and neighborhoods (as well as sensitive infrastructure and military installations).
Our goal is to act as a resource for you and your elected representatives and government.
What We Are
Sky Watch Alliance is a non-partisan grass-roots organization, formed by ordinary citizens of Morris County, New Jersey. We organized in December 2024, following recurring incidents of unusual aircraft activity over our homes, and neighborhoods (as well as sensitive infrastructure and military installations). Given the frequency and intensity of these aerial events – as well as the remarkably low-flying nature of many such flyovers – we are deeply concerned about the potential risks posed to the public.
Our mission is personal to our members. Some of the overhead incursions have been extremely intrusive and unsettling. And some of it has been uncomfortably close. The unnerving proximity of this activity to ourselves and our family members has created a real sense of danger – danger that could come back any night. Consequently, we are committed to taking action in the near, mid and long term. Sky Watch Alliance is dedicated to pressing our officials to provide answers and take appropriate protective measures for now and in the future. We seek to serve as a resource for officials and citizens who want to help advance these aims. We plan to accomplish this by channeling the concerns of regular citizens and local officials to the federal authorities who have the responsibility to resolve the problem. We also seek to work with other organizations both within Morris County, New Jersey, and without, who share our concerns and objectives.
What We Are Not
Sky Watch Alliance seeks to avoid spawning or spreading rumors, speculation, and the like regarding unusual drones and/or other aircraft activity. Social media (and even traditional media sources) are daily generating a host of content on this subject. Thus, there is no lack of availability of that from other sources. While it is inevitable that our work may involve citation to such sources as may be useful, we will generally not focus much attention upon them. Our organization is not engaged in “sleuthing” and we do not expect to independently solve the overall enigma. There is an entity responsible for doing so – namely, the United States government, through its Department of Homeland Security, FAA, military and other agencies under the authority of the President.
Next, Sky Watch Alliance is not focused on “proving” the existence of unusual activity on the part of drones or other aircraft in New Jersey. Most of our members have had direct, first-hand experience with this. We have years of experience observing our skies and our general surroundings. We have seen ordinary airplanes and have some degree of familiarity with local flight patterns. We recognize that objects in the sky can sometimes appear farther or closer than they actually are – and that sometimes the movements of far-off airplanes may appear to be motionless, when they are actually moving. In sum, we and our neighbors are not credulous rubes. Nor are we crazed self-promoters. Most of us are regular, hard-working New Jersey residents, with limited social media activity with little appetite for special attention or scrutiny. Based upon our first-hand experiences, we can tell that the aircraft of concern are not just ordinary airplanes.
Based upon what we can see from the movements of the aircraft, the associated sounds, and other contextual cues, it is abundantly clear that these aircraft are operating outside of the norm. Moreover, many of these vehicles are flying in notably unusual flight patterns, with some moving in oddly-close groupings. Perhaps most disturbingly, some fly strikingly low and uncomfortably close to residential homes. When that happens, these events move out of the realm of mere curiosity, and into the realm of visceral threat. The experience is genuinely unsettling and engenders feelings of harassment and unease. In short, after weeks of experiencing these disruptions, we do not need further convincing for ourselves.
Finally, these concerns have not been raised by a single individual. Thousands of residents of New Jersey (and some other states) have reported seeing these strange aerial occurrences. Many local and state elected officials and law enforcement heads have seen them and joined in the outcry for a vigorous and effective federal response. Although a few people might get it wrong, the sheer volume of corroborating witnesses compels a serious response from the United States government. It is a foregone conclusion that our leaders must act.
Photo & Video Documentation
Our members and their neighbors have contributed videos, photos and
information concerning encounters with unusual aircraft activity since
late 2024. Below are links to some we found that may be of interest to
the authorities and the public.

Sky Watch Alliance is dedicated to pressing our officials to provide answers and take appropriate protective measures. We seek to serve as a resource for officials and citizens who want to help advance these aims. To that end, we will be taking action by meeting with elected officials, providing them with helpful resources, and raising awareness of these issues on an ongoing and long-term basis.
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